Zachary and Samantha Platt, along with our family, steward the land and animals of Behind the Oaks Farm. Family owned since the 1970’s, we are located in Schertz, Texas, right outside of San Antonio. Samantha is the third generation of Greaves to operate the farm, and Zack married into the farm life over 10 years ago. When visiting the farm or markets, you will be able to meet us and our 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls. We enjoy visitors at the farm so that they too can make a connection with the land and animals. We want to bring back the connection between people and their food, knowing that these animals are raised with love, care, and the best that we can provide them because in return, they will nourish us.
As the next generation on the farm, we are choosing to change things up a bit for the sake of our family and the community around us, practicing regenerative agriculture as a way to give back to the land and animals that we love. When praying about taking over the farm, we wanted it to be something more; it is stewardship of what God has gifted us, and it’s about the people, the land and animals creating a healthy, strong community.
We focus our efforts on raising grass-fed beef, pasture-raised chickens, turkey and eggs, and we will soon be offering pasture raised pork this fall of 2022. We deliver to the surrounding areas every Thursday, and on Saturdays, you can find us at the Pearl Farmers’ Market (downtown San Antonio) and New Braunfels Farmers’ Market from 9-1pm, rain or shine.
We are grateful for your interest and support and we are appreciative for your trust in our family and our products.
The Cadra family settled in Wheeler County in 1907. We have been cow/calf producers for over 100 years. For 5 generations, being good stewards of our land and livestock has been our priority. In the fall of 2017, Texas Beef Grass to Grill came to life. We grow calves that graze free choice grass pasture for the entirety of their life. They are not administered any antibiotics, hormones, or growth stimulants. Our cattle develop at their natural pace. Texas Beef Grass to Grill was formed to provide customers with a high quality product that is home grown, grass fed and grass finished, from a local family. We are certified through IMI Global, grass fed and grass finished, as well as all natural. Our family continues to strive to supply our customers with a premium product to enjoy with their families the same way we enjoy it with ours.
At Ross Farm there is a unique interaction between grazing, land regeneration, and business that looks to show how the 3 can work together to meet all of our needs.
We’ve spent years researching and experimenting with the best cattle grazing practices to ensure we are producing top quality beef. Our cattle are an essential part of our holistic goal though, not just as a product but also as a key tool in keeping the land healthy. By taking the best grazing practices from the past and enhancing them with the knowledge of natural processes we have today we can insure the healthiest outcome for the land, the cattle, and most of all the people we feed.
Founder of River Whey Creamery, Susan Rigg, had a passion for cooking that grew while working in the book retail business for 15 years. In 2007, she hung up her book selling shoes and took a leap of faith into the professional world of culinary arts by enrolling in the Culinary Institute of America in San Antonio, TX then graduating from CIA - Hyde Park, NY. She survived (phew!) and returned to San Antonio - apron pressed, knives sharpened.
River Whey Creamery is a dream come true, and as with most dreams, it started with a small acorn of possibility and a passion for something. In this case, world class cheese! We believe in great Texas dirt which makes great Texas grass and great Texas milk. It’s our job to turn that into great Texas cheese. We are not just farm to table, but Earth to Soul with a true belief in sustainability and transparency.
When Emma was 2 years old, she had been on round after round of antibiotics for recurrent ear infections. She had over 30 known food allergies and had been diagnosed with a digestive disorder. Finally, she had eczema, a skin condition that would keep her scratching, itching, and picking in an isolated corner during playtime.
After endless trips to pediatricians and specialists, it was decided that Emma would likely grow out of her ailments, but not much could be done to heal her. We were instructed to treat her symptoms with topical creams and strict elimination diets until she came of age to grow out of this “hyper-sensitive” phase. I was not content with this instruction, as I believed there was a root cause that was not being addressed.
One evening I did a Google search for “eczema and diet,” as I had an inkling that diet was somehow related to Emma’s ailments. After scrolling through the results, I found a website that opened up doors for me. The Weston A. Price Foundation as a non-for-profit organization dedicated to traditional foods diet education. The wisdom I gained from reading this website (and later a dozen books) allowed me to heal my daughter.
After two weeks of a regimen called the GAPS Diet, my once plagued daughter was symptom free. No belly aches, sniffles, allergic shiners, hives, or infections. I was astounded and changed forever. It was this knowledge of the healing power of diet that led me to re-think my entire family’s way of eating.
While working my way through “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon, I began making yogurt. These tiny batches were lovingly shared with family and friends, and later with the community. My fascination for dairy continued to grow and I found myself making cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, and kefir in my spare time. My refrigerators were overtaken by cultures, raw milk, and dairy products in both cow and goat. I would learn how to make something, and then teach a class about it. My “students” sang high praises for my cultured dairy creations.
One day, I mustered up the courage to bring a sample of my Greek yogurt to a local farmer’s market manager. She fell head over heels in love with my product and helped me to become a vendor. In December of 2013, Mother Culture™ was born.
We believe when you serve pasta, it should be FLAVORFUL, WHOLESOME, ALL NATURAL and the STAR of your meal. All of our varieties of pasta are made with REAL vegetables and herbs: our pasta is VEGAN and we never use artificial colors or processed, tasteless powdered veggies. We source most of our vegetables from local farms in Texas. Fresh vegetables and herbs are blended with Non GMO 100% Durum Whole Wheat. You get 10 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber in every serving. For our Gluten-Free flavors we blend White Rice Flour, Organic Tapioca, and fresh vegetables and herbs.
Holdman Honey is owned by David and Susan Holdman, along with our Four kids, Roby, Reagan, Ruston and Raleigh. David works with the bees, along with the bottling and distribution. Susan manages the finances and marketing. The kids are great at working the honey extractor, putting the labels on jars, and of course, eating honey.
We have over 3000 beehives and counting. Many of our colonies have local origins but some of our queens come from as far away as Hawaii. In the spring, our bees collect nectar from the bluebonnets and other Texas wildflowers. During the rest of the summer, they gather from flowering plants such as cactus, mesquite, and sunflowers.
Why raw honey? Since honey, in its natural state, never spoils, why would anyone pasteurize it? In reality, conventional honey is overheated, to pasteurize it, so that it can be filtered. The problem with this is two-fold: First, overheating kills the natural enzymes and the flavor, and it neutralizes the anti-oxidant benefits. And second, filtering removes pollen and other good stuff that help to make raw honey a super-food.
We hope you give us the opportunity to share some of the natural goodness the bees have shared with us.
We want to bring the family back to the table. It is so important to have community with the ones who live in your home and when there is a solid foundation at home, the community can be extended to neighbors and friends. We are designed to do life with others and to be a light in this world.